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  • Evan Salt

Who supports the support coordinator?

Your Choice Disability Plan management is built on the goal of doing one thing well. We feel that if as a plan manager we offered other services, then immediately we would be conflicted when paying invoices for other services from our own organisation.

It also means we need to develop good relationships with other key service providers who help our participants. Probably the most key of these relationships is with Support Coordinators.As Support Coordination is only given to participants that have complex/challenging needs, then the role of the support coordinator is also going to be a challenging one. They are also given a fixed amount of hours over the life of the plan to set the plan supports up, keep them in place (not always easy!) and assist with the review at the end of the plan period. Plus of course all the unexpected challenges along the way. We get it!

Who supports the support coordinator?

As a plan manager, we want to be able to make the support coordinator’s challenging role, a little less challenging if we can. Here’s how we do that:

  • Give access to an easy-to-understand online dashboard of the participant’s budget and claimed invoices 24 / 7.

  • Aim to pay invoices within 5 working days, including an approval period for the participant or nominee.

  • A very knowledgeable team about all things NDIS to problem solve with the SC when you get the really tough ones.

  • A big focus on NDIS education – we think it is actually knowledge that truly gives people choice and control. There is no point in a participant having money allocated to a budget if the participant or their SC are unsure about how it can be spent.

  • Most of the Your Choice team have a lived experience of disability. So we understand the challenges first-hand.

At Your Choice Disability Plan Management – we want to make the Support Coordinator’s life easier, so they can focus their efforts on the participant’s needs

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